Smile Gacha Clip

Let’s GACHUCK with smile!
Gachuck medium sized, smiley face GACHA clip!
It can clip up to 35 sheets of copy paper.
It can be used in Smile Gachuk or Gachuck.

GGS-5S: 4 types of silver gacha clip, 10 clips each, 40 clips in total
GGC-5S: 4 types of colored gacha clip, 6 clips each, total of 24 clips


SKU: GGS-5S/GGC-5S Categories: , ,

●Size: (Body) 16mm in width (13mm in height), 11mm in depth, 5mm in height
●Weight: 0.8g
(Package) Width 60mm (depth) 25mm (height) 25mm (height) Weight GGS-5S 45.5g/GGC-5S 33g
●Material Body: Stainless Steel

Gacha Clip(medium)
Smile Gachuck
GGS-5S(Smile gacha clip: 40clips(stainles)
GGC-(Smile gacha clip: 24clips(stainles)

Packaging 5/100